cathy mobile photography sports

Starting line

Starting line


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cathy mobile photography sports

All set!

All set!

the race is on! And cathy is ‘stylin’

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cathy me me me sports

GO PACKERS redux!!!

Cathy and I are READY!!! We bought her a Favre jersey yesterday.

me me me sports work


G Force

cool family sports


OH MY GOD OH MY GOD OMG!!!!! I was literally curled up in a ball watching the end of the Giants game through my knees. I’m sooooo glad we don’t have to worry about Dallas anymore.

And now we’re one game away from gong back to the Super Bowl. If we win, I’ve said that I’m hosting another Super Bowl party at our apartment. However, it’s gonna be a weird day because Cathy is running a half-marathon in the morning. So I won’t be getting much party support that day. I guess we’ll have to have everything ready the day before. It’s a good thing that the game is later in the day because I’m not going to not be in SF to support my wife while she kills herself runs her cute little legs off.

WOO HOO!!!! GO PACKERS!!!!!!!!!

cathy sports

Help the cause

Cathy is running again. I’m happy about that because she loves it. As long as her toes and feet don’t get bitchy it’s awesome. I get winded running to the cafeteria for a soda. 🙂 I’ll stick to exercising with the Wii. And it’s funny listening to her take ice baths after her workouts.

She’s set herself a goal of running in an upcoming half marathon in San Francisco. 13.1 miles. GAH!! And I’ll be there to cheer her on and catch her when she collapses at the finish line. 🙂 hah. Just kidding. She’s part of a local “Team in Training” group and having a blast.

She needs YOUR help though. She’s accepting donations for her run. All the money goes to kick cancer’s ass all over the street. Something that is Cathy has far too much experience dealing with. Please help her reach her goal of $1800 before Super Bowl Sunday (when the Packers will once again regain their title). I’ve started everything off with my donation. Let’s start a conga line. 🙂

Donate here

sports tv


I don’t care if the Green Bay Packers are KILLING the Vikings 27-0. You don’t shift away from Brett Favre!!!!! FOX SUX!!! Don’t believe me? Here’s how…


Pretty easy equation!!!!


funny sports tv wtf?

Suddenly I’m up on top of the world

Overheard during the Nathan’s Famous International July 4th Hot Dog Eating Contest.

“You Google ‘Hero’ tomorrow, ‘American hero,’ you’re gonna get Abe Lincoln, possibly Neil Armstrong, Taylor Hicks, and then this man, of course, Joey Chestnut*.

Yeah, those are MY American heroes. Oh, and William Katt

and then a little later this lovely “chestnut” as well (heh)…

“This would be the greatest moment in the history of American sports if Chestnut could bring the belt home to Coney Island, it’s been gone for nine years.”

and I think I’ll sleep a little better tonight knowing our country is a little better off …

“Unbelievable valor from that man Joey Chestnut. He may indeed have changed the course of this nation. Righted the course of our nation. Chestnut is a true American hero”

I still think William Katt could kick his ass. If he could ever figure out how to fly in a straight line.

Oh, and Happy Fourth of July!

* Joey Chestnut is a Civil Engineering major from San Jose State University. So let’s hear it for the local boy. Woo hoo!!

PS – Thanx WIFE for stealing my thunder.  🙂

me me me sports tv

My favorite Super Bowl XLI moments

  1. The opening kickoff returned for a touchdown. GO BEARS!!!!
  2. David Letterman and Oprah Winfrey in love
  3. Back-to-back fumbles. I love an exciting game.
  4. Thinking that your team was going to win but being happy for the opposing team’s quarterback who FINALLY won a Super Bowl.
  5. The Garmin ad with GarminMan.
  6. Hating Comcast because they suck. (signal quality my ass)

And are Cathy and I the only ones who thought this years commercials SUCKED ASS!!??!??!??? WTF!? If I were the CEO who approved a commercial in this year’s Super Bowl for what ever exorbitant amount of extortion money they charged, and realized they competed against that WEAK ASS collection of commercials, I’d resign.

They SUCKED this year. And NO I’m not lashing out because the team I was rooting for lost. Really!!! Can the best non-game moment be David Letterman and Oprah Winfrey lovin’ in front of the TV??? This is the Super Bowl!!!! People are supposed to step up with the commercials!!!

We’re supposed to not be able to work on monday because we can’t stop talking about the commercials. The game is supposed to play second fiddle to the commercials. This year, I think even PRINCE played better than the teams and the commercials.

At least Brett is coming back!!!!!

cool sports technology tv video work

Thank you TVUplayer

Tonight I was stuck at work trying to get my capistrano deployments working and I was listening to game 5 of the World Series. I couldn’t watch it and the Cards were quickly moving towards winning the game and The Series. However, with no TV nearby I couldn’t watch it. And everyone knows (you know. you really do) that you can’t just listen to the game when it finally ends and the winner is announced. What was I to do?

I realized that at some point in the past I’d downloaded this lovely piece of software called TVUplayer. It’s TV over the web but not like you’re used to hearing about it. They’re clever about how you receive the data. Kind of like how BitTorrent is a large mesh of users sharing data so that the speed can be very high, same here. Many users are watching the channel I want to watch so the datarate is better. Less users, the crappier the channel will look. Lifehacker may have described a little better than me.

Long story short. I got to WATCH the end of the game… sitting at my desk at work!!!

Isn’t technology wonderful? heh. Oh… and BTW – CONGRATULATIONS St. Louis!!!