funny our house pets video

Penny beating up the bed

cool technology video


Watching the live NASAtv coverage of Curiosity landing on Mars last night was really awesome, however something was missing. If you didn’t know everything that needed to happen during those last few moments then you might have been a little lost watching just the control room. If you watched NASA’s “Seven Minutes of Terror” video then you knew what was supposed to happen and could follow along.

This short video intercuts clips from the control room with computer renderings of what was happening on Mars to show what was happening at both places at approximately the same time.

PS – If the video player doesn’t show up the first time, just reload the page.

cathy cool earth me me me video

Watch me not die

Here’s the video of Sunday’s skydive. Mom, might not be for you. 🙂

camera plus design me me me mobile photography video

Origami Creations #32

Origami Creations #32

A church and a frog. Action sequence of religion getting beat up by evolution below. 😀

camera plus design me me me mobile photography video

Origami Creation #28

Origami Creation #28

A dustpan and a “somersault”. Action sequence for the somersault is below.

camera plus design me me me photography video

Origami Creation #21

Today’s is called “hot lips”

Origami Creation #21

and here’s a video of it in action

cool me me me video work

Watch me fly

… and finally, here’s my first time in the iFly chamber. A little rough but I was much better the second time around. Video of that one once I digitize it.


funny video

Clement Freud’s funniest joke

from The Telegraph via Boing Boing

cool funny technology video

Amazing sheep herding

This is just crazy. I wish I could find sheepdog trials on tv again.


friends funny me me me video work

Birthday decoration of my cube at work

I came back from a weekend away for my birthday to find my cube looking like this. I have awesome coworkers.
