me me me photography work

My new office

My new office

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photography work

A friend met me at my desk today

A friend met me at my desk today

Got into work today and this friendly little helper was there to greet me

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family me me me pets photography work

Penny went to Dad’s work tonight

Penny went to Dad's work tonight

It was a doggy daycare day and I had to come back for a little bit more work after daycare closed. She always zonks out after daycare.

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family me me me our house pets photography work wtf?

Someone really wants to sit in my lap

Someone really wants to sit in my lap

This is not particularly comfortable.

I uploaded this through flickr

design funny photography work wtf?

What, you guys don’t have a nut driver?

What, you guys don't have a nut driver?

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family funny me me me our house photography work

Today’s work environment

Today's work environment

Not that warm but not cold enough to not get some work done outside with my trusty guard dog who is faithfully protecting me from the dangerous neighbors. So fierce.

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family funny pets work

Truly zonked puppy at dad’s work

Truly zonked puppy at dad's work

She might have been sleepy before but now she is OUT.

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family funny pets work

Sleepy puppy at dad’s work

Sleepy puppy at dad's work

I uploaded this through flickr

funny photography work wtf?

Party in the crosswalk

Party in the crosswalk

Saw this… interesting… tableau while walking to lunch.

I uploaded this through flickr

design photography work

Origami Creations #44

Origami Creations #44

A callalily and a six-pointed star.

I uploaded this through flickr