cathy sports

Help the cause

Cathy is running again. I’m happy about that because she loves it. As long as her toes and feet don’t get bitchy it’s awesome. I get winded running to the cafeteria for a soda. 🙂 I’ll stick to exercising with the Wii. And it’s funny listening to her take ice baths after her workouts.

She’s set herself a goal of running in an upcoming half marathon in San Francisco. 13.1 miles. GAH!! And I’ll be there to cheer her on and catch her when she collapses at the finish line. 🙂 hah. Just kidding. She’s part of a local “Team in Training” group and having a blast.

She needs YOUR help though. She’s accepting donations for her run. All the money goes to kick cancer’s ass all over the street. Something that is Cathy has far too much experience dealing with. Please help her reach her goal of $1800 before Super Bowl Sunday (when the Packers will once again regain their title). I’ve started everything off with my donation. Let’s start a conga line. 🙂

Donate here

cathy cool earth me me me wtf?


We just had the biggest earthquake I’ve ever felt. Cathy and I were watching Dexter and suddenly the ground shook. For longer than it should normally shake when we’re together. HA!!!


I love California. Until we have The Big One. Then I’ll prolly poop my pants. 🙂

cathy me me me

“Thank you”s

Saying “Thank You” is, sometimes, not easy to do. Cathy and I recently got married. We received wedding gifts. We love them. Heck, we asked for them. So, we should tell the people who sent gifts that we are thankful that they sent them. That means we need to send “Thank You” cards to those people. But here’s the thing…

cathy me me me tv

All day, every day

While Cathy and I were going through our 48 hour marathon of West Wings (during my recuperation) she mentioned that there were only so many shows you could watch in this way. All day. Here are mine in no particular order.

  • The West Wing
  • LOST
  • Red Dwarf
  • Mr. Bean
  • Young Ones
  • Monty Python’s Flying Circus
  • Blackadder
  • Sports Night
  • Doctor Who
  • Mystery Science Theater 3000
  • The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy
cathy family me me me wedding

Alright Alright.

Okay. I’ll talk about getting married. Jeez. Like a guy doesn’t have other things to do. 🙂

This is my wife.

2007-07-02 she thinks boys lie

and these are her boobs.

cathy concerts me me me music wedding

[insert spooky door creaking sound]

Hey folks. I’m peeking my head out from behind the door to let you know I still exist. I’m working on my manifesto…. ummm. heh. just kidding…

I do have two things to quickly mention.

First… If you’re “in the know”, Cathy and I have updated our wedding website. The design hasn’t been tweaked to reflect the old design yet but we felt it more important to just get it changed. Hopefully there will be more frequent updates and you can subscribe to the RSS feed to get updates as well. So make sure you check it out if you know the url. No, we’re not giving it out willy-nilly. At least not until after the wedding.

Secondly… what are y’all doing on June 13th at 6:30pm Pacific time? Don’t know yet? CATHY AND I DO!!!! LA LA LA!!!! I’ll tell ya what we’re doing after you click the “more” link… (ooh, the suspense!)

cathy me me me mobile

“I must be in the front row”

Cathy and I got tickets for opening night of Camelot starring Michael York. Front Row Baby!!!

ps – thanx to Bob Uecker for the title of this post.

pps – Yeah, I spelled “Uecker” wrong. I don’t think he’d be surprised. 🙂

I uploaded this through flickr

cathy me me me wedding

Interesting facts about May 25th

in ascending order of coolness in my opinion…

  • 1992 – Jay Leno takes over as host of The Tonight Show (I’m a Letter-man. heh)
  • 2001 – 32-year-old Erik Weihenmayer, of Boulder, Colorado, becomes the first blind person to reach the summit of Mount Everest
  • 1787 – In Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, delegates convene a Constitutional Convention to write a new Constitution for the United States. George Washington presides.
  • 1932 – Goofy makes his debut in 1932
  • 1961 – John F. Kennedy made his famous put a “man on the moon” in this decade speech
  • 1977 – Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope was released in 1977
cathy me me me technology

Mini Microscope

Cathy needs this so she can show off all the gorgeous “wheating” around the band on her engagement ring. If only I knew Japanese… or could even see the characters on the website…

Does someone have an option for something like this in the US? doesn’t have anything.

Oooh. I just did a search on Amazon for a “loupe” and I got all SORTS of great options. Never mind. go about your business. nothing to see here.

cathy funny pets

A boob and a …

A boob and a ...

ummm. sorry. I’m a child. 🙂 I couldn’t help it.

additional proof


I uploaded this through flickr