cathy me me me mobile sports

Cath and me at the A’s game

Cath and me at the A's game

Sooo cute. She’s not bad either. Hah. I crack myself up. 🙂

me me me mobile sports

At my first A’s game of the year

concerts me me me mobile

Testing the email posting ability

If you can read this. You’re too close. 🙂

Update: well. Now that I have THAT working, I should be able to at least start my mo-blogging back up. We’ll have to see how sending pictures here will do. hmm.

So. sorry I haven’t been around, AGAIN!!! Been SO busy, and lazy, and well, just not very talkative. I recorded three INCREDIBLE Willy Porter concerts last week, and one great Luce concert too, and I have to get to work on those. Luce tonight and tomorrow, if Dylan gets us on “the list” for saturday’s show. <crosses fingers>

So back to the grindstone. Got a GUI to work on.

design me me me work

Soooo busy

Sorry I haven’t been around folks. I’m feeling a little off-kilter lately. Juggling several projects at work, all very important, a girlfriend who I want to spend a LOT of time with (don’t worry Saj), and personal projects that I have trouble getting to. So I’ll be in and out, but don’t worry, I’m not gone. Just really busy right now.

In the mean time, enjoy just a tease of the new look for this blog.

tease of new look

me me me work

More computers please

My desk at work

My desk at work. 🙂

me me me technology work

La la la!! New laptop!

Laptop evolution
me me me


Hi there loyal readers of my infrequent musings. Welcome to the new location of my blog. I’m sorry about the change in locations but I’m a little A.D.D. with the urls for my websites and I thought of this one when I was driving one day and wanted to use it instead of the old one.

This is a temporary look for this blog because I wanted to switch to some new blogging software. Never fear though, I’ve got a slick looking design almost ready. It’s all but done in Photoshop but I haven’t cut it up. Look for previews over the next few days.

Meanwhile, enjoy the new blog, the ability to comment (please do, I might even reply), and be on the lookout for new features I’ll be adding over time. My first will be a weekly concert from my ever-expanding collection. It might be someone you know, someone you don’t, but it’ll always be great (even when it’s “Weird Al” Yankovic, much to Cathy’s chagrin).

Don’t forget to update your feeds.

So, enjoy, look around and lemme know what you think.

Share and enjoy.

me me me

happy new year

Happy New Year.

cool me me me work

Word of the day


It’s not often you get to use that world in normal, everyday life. And even less often in your code. However, when you work for such a HIP company as the one that I work for, you’re allowed certain liberties. 🙂

cathy me me me

I am…

… a geek

just had to say that. 🙂