me me me mobile work

Washing the umbrella

Washing the umbrella

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friends me me me mobile

Lunch at ‘the club’

Lunch at 'the club'

where’s Thurston and ‘Lovey’?

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me me me mobile work

Moved the shelves over

Moved the shelves over

Had this part done yesterday but I actually got some work done so I forgot to post.

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me me me mobile work

Almost there

Almost there

Just about have my cube rearranged

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me me me mobile work

Dismantling my cube begins

Dismantling my cube begins

They installed the cubes with EVERYONE’S back to the entrance. Such awful feng shui. Tsk tsk.

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me me me mobile work

New cube

New cube

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me me me mobile work

Moving day at work

Moving day at work

Movin’ on up. lalala

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me me me

Are you “movie literate”?

Jim Emerson, a film critic, has compiled a list of 102 movies he believes EVERYONE has to see in order to be able to carry on an informed discussion of movies. They aren’t supposed to be the BEST 102 movies ever, because everyone has subjective ideas about what a good movie is. Look at me for instance. I LUH-HUVE the movie “UHF”. Now, would anyone who isn’t a “Weird Al” Yankovic fan make that outrageous claim. 🙂 They might be culturally impactful, or just have great cinematography, or just have that “je ne sai qua.”

Now, I love movies, as much or more than the next person but some of these I haven’t even heard of. I’m now on a mission to say that I’ve seen all 102 of these films. Following the lead of Kottke, I’ve listed the movies and indicated which ones I’ve already seen as of April 26, 2006.

me me me mobile work

My desk today

My desk today

Home working after my haircut. Thought I’d sit out on the patio. Note to self. Get patio furniture and bigger patio. 🙂

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me me me mobile work

My desk on friday

My desk on friday

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