Playing scrabble during our Lights Out time period.
Category: cathy
I caved in. I joined Twitter. Cathy was having so much fun that I just had to try it out myself. So off I went and signed up.
The best thing about it, at least for our family, is that now that we’ve switched from separate Verizon/T-Mobile account holders and joined AT&T under a family plan, we’re getting UNLIMITED MESSAGING! Sure when we signed up, we were only getting 1500 messages a month per line. ONLY 1500! Can you believe it? However when I called AT&T and was placed on hold, I heard a “hold ad” that said I should ask my AT&T representative about a family messaging plan. So I did, and you know what? You can get a family messaging plan wih UNLIMITED MESSAGES for the same price as two 1500 message plans!! SUCH a deal. You should call AT&T right now and change to this plan, if you’re on a family plan. Go ahead. I’ll wait…
hm-hm-hm. The girl from Ipanema… oh, you’re back!
So, what I’m saying is that I joined Twitter. FOLLOW ME!!!!
For my wife on our first married Valentine’s Day. A selection from our wedding CD which says it all!
[audio:]Love you Toots. 🙂
Starting line
All set!
Oh good grief
Cathy made this with one of my more “attractive” pictures. She looked for the “scroogiest face possible”. I think she found it.
Happy Festivus everyone!
My lovely wife is published again
I do believe I’ve created a monster. Early in our relationship Cathy was so enamored with my own DSLR, the awesome Nikon D70, that she bought her own Nikon D50.
Since then, she’s become QUITE the excellent photographer. Surpassing even ME more often than I like to admit. 🙂 heh
And NOW she’s been published again.
Well done my love. So what if it’s a blog. It’s a WIDELY read blog.
She’s even submitted an entry to the JPG Magazine contest for “Split Second”. Go vote for her. She’ll think warm thoughts about you if you do.
If you haven’t heard of this travesty then check this out…
Vintage Whiskey May Be Poured Out – WSMV Nashville
It’s possible 2400 bottles of vintage whiskey, recently seized in a police raid, may have to be POURED DOWN THE DRAIN. Some of the bottles are upwards of 100 years old! I’m not a whiskey drinker myself but that is an absolute travesty. That’s some damn good aged whiskey, if I understand things correctly.
Am I the only one thinking that the law behind the requirement to dump this stuff out should be rethought in this instance? It’s not like these recently were released from their slumber. They’re almost 100 FREAKING YEARS OLD!!
This is a perfect opportunity for a charity auction. Sell those suckers to some suckers, heh, who’ll pay top dollar for ’em and send the money to some deserving charity. One bottle is said to be worth close to $10,000! I’ve got a coupla bucks laying around here somewhere. I’ll take a bottle.
They can give some of the money to my wife who is running a half-marathon and would love some donations to kick cancer’s ass.