Another SAMF.
Create XP-style Icons Using Illustrator or Freehand [Software Tutorials]
Now I want THIS!!!!
NOTE: This has been fixed in HTML_QuickForm version 3.2.4.
If you are working with the PHP PEAR package HTML_QuickForm and file uploads and you are registering rules for both “maxfilesize” and “uploadedfile” then you might be puzzled by some errors you might receive like I was. Let me see if I can explain this plainly.
An important component is your php.ini setting for “upload_max_filesize”. If this is smaller than your setting for “maxfilesize” then if you upload a file that is larger than the “upload_max_filesize” you will NEVER encounter the “maxfilesize” error you set for QuickForm. You will instead receive the “uploadedfile” error because, I’m guessing here, PHP is discarding the file that is too large and therefore QuickForm thinks there isn’t a file. I’ve put together this little example to explain.
Uploaded filesize | upload_max_filesize = 20MB / QF Rule maxfilesize = 10MB | upload_max_filesize = 10MB / QF Rule maxfilesize = 20MB |
5 MB | success | success |
15 MB |
Error: maxfilesize Reason: filesize larger than maxfilesize but less than upload_max_filesize |
Error: uploadedfile Reason: filesize larger than upload_max_filesize |
25 MB |
Error: uploadedfile Reason: filesize larger than upload_max_filesize |
Error: uploadedfile Reason: filesize larger than upload_max_filesize |
What was puzzling me was when I uploaded a file larger than PHP would let me, I thought I’d get the maxfilesize error but instead I kept getting the uploadedfile error. And the uploadedfile error only returns what you tell it to return so I was telling myself what I was telling the form.
I think QuickForm should be smart enough about the maxfilesize to indicate when a programmer has specified a larger maxfilesize than PHP will allow but I’m not quite sure how that should be done. Should the form automatically adjust itself to the php.ini setting or throw a PHP error? Personally, I’d rather QF automatically adjust itself. We’ll see what the package owners think.
Just wanted to say that the “Healing” brush in Photoshop is AWESOME!!!!! 5 minutes for something that woulda taken a LOT longer just using the “Stamp” tool.
k. I feel better.
Folks… If the signature of your email is longer than the actual message you’re conveying, it’s TOO LONG!!!!! A signature is just that … A SIGNATURE. Not the prospectus of your company.
Name, contact information. That’s IT. And if you can compact your contact info to a few lines, instead of 6, 7, 10 lines, PLEASE do it. There was a time where signatures would be truncated if they went past a certain number of lines. You don’t have to split your job title or company url to another line. That saves a couple of lines.
[name] – [job title]
Phone: (###) ###-####
[company name] <>
Bang. Nice and compact. Respectful. My signature? Two lines. TWO.
name / email
job title / websites
That’s it. Listen and learn.
Sometimes technological advancement isn’t all it’s cracked up to be.
For just the low-low price of… well… a piece of paper, scissors, and some tape/glue/gum.