cathy cool me me me photography



This is my 1000th picture on Flickr!! I haven’t been posting new pics because I wanted #1000 to be special. This one is. It’s the recreation of Cathy’s and my first picture. It’s ACTUALLY the recreation of our second pic which was framed better but who’s counting.

This was taken last weekend at Katie Blooms. Mere feet from where we took the first one. We were there with some friends celebrating one year knowing each other. Tonight we celebrate one year of officially dating!! Going back to the same restaurant and theatre. Hitchcock tonight!

I’ll go back to posting more pics and posts now that I’ve gotten over the hump… Jumped the shark… Screwed the pooch… No wait. Scratch those last two. 🙂


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cathy me me me mobile

Our FIRST picture

Our FIRST picture

Awww. How CUTE!! Our second picture actually was positioned much better, but this is officially our FIRST picture EVER. Just over one year ago, I met Cathy. If I were to say that made me happy, I’d be lying. It made me VERY VERY VERY happy. Cath has become the best thing to ever happen to me. That and Mystery Science Theater 3000, Monty Python, and Douglas Adams (R.I.P.). But definitely Cathy. #1. Numero Uno. El Primero Numero. Señorita Mas Fina.

I didn’t scare her away that night either. Which is really a plus in my book. What with my keys, a watch, and an AWESOME cellphone/pda hanging from my waist. If she can survive that “blind” meeting then she’s got enough cahones to run with the big boys. 🙂 Little did she know what she was getting herself into. Mwahahaha.

Good things are just around the corner. Stay tuned.

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On the way to the game

On the way to the game

GO BREWERS!!! I look like a dork but she’s AWFULLY CUTE! 🙂

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On the field after fireworks

On the field after fireworks

We got to be ON THE FIELD for the fireworks. Soooo cool

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cathy me me me mobile sports

A’s cuteness

A's cuteness

No ladies. It’s not the cuteness of Barry Zito (or so I keep hearing). Just Cath and me. We’re so cuuuuuuuute.

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Go A’s

Go A's

Woo hoo!! And FIREWORKS tonight! Pictures of those coming later.

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cathy cool me me me mobile

See. Toldja

See.  Toldja

Sprecher at Fellini in Berkeley!!! Eat there!!!

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Leaving IKEA

Leaving IKEA

After buying a corner bookcase that actually fits in my car… as you can see. 🙂

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Slight improvement

Slight improvement

The important stuff was hooked up. Tv and comcast, though two of our three cableboxes aren’t working yet. We CAN watch tv on the GIANT tv. We’d have shot ourselves in the head if that didn’t work too. 🙂

home phone just got hooked up properly today though dsl has worked. So if we can get comcast today, life will be good.

Now if I could just shake this fever keeping me home from work. 🙁

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cathy me me me mobile

And the current disaster area

And the current disaster area

We have A LOT of work to do. Anyone wanna donate some professional organization help. 🙂

Note Daphne (the cat) in the lower right. One of the rare appearances she’s made. She’s been hiding in the office, or Daphne’s room as we’ve started calling it.

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