camera plus me me me mobile our house photography

Time for some chillin’ in the backyard

Time for some chillin' in the backyard

And when I say "chillin’" I mean "slaying monsters in Diablo 3 while waiting for the laundry to finish"

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cathy concerts me me me music photography

Ben Folds Fi… Three

Seeing Ben Folds Five at the Mountain Winery

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A forest of legs

A forest of legs

I uploaded this through flickr

funny pets photography

Where’s my plate?

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funny photography technology

Ancient technology

Ancient technology

While on vacation in Hana we discovered this odd piece of technology from a more civilized age.

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technology tips

WordTwit finally works

I was finally able to fix my WordTwit plugin problems. I haven’t been able to get my new posts sent to twitter for a while but that’s fixed now.

If you’re trying and nothing appears to happen when you’re clicking the “Add Account” button in the WordTwit accounts area, you need to set a callback url in your Twitter Application settings. Just make it the url of your blog homepage and then you will be able to add an account.

Let’s see if this post gets tweeted right away and what happens after that.  I’ve been experimenting with IFTTT to get around the “add account” problem but now that WordTwit’s working, I think I can go back to my regular workflow.

  1. Email photo to Flickr (post-to-blog address)
  2. Flickr creates blog post
  3. WordTwit tweets about post
  4. Twitter posts to Facebook

This keeps my blog posts being double posted because of the IFTTT tweet-my-post recipe and the WordTwit plugin.


A sea of replacement eyeballs for the Despicable Me minions

These are actually airfield lights at the Hana airport. The cutest airport I’ve ever seen.

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photography sports

How I mark which pint glass is mine at the bowling alley

How I mark which pint glass is mine at the bowling alley


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photography tips

Front window of Flatbread Pizza in Paia

Front window of Flatbread Pizza in Paia

This is the front window of the best pizza place on Maui, Flatbread Pizza

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cool photography tips

Eat here if you are visiting Paia, Hawaii

Eat here if you are visiting Paia, Hawaii

Some of the best pizza I’ve ever had. Locally sourced ingredients, wood fired. Sooooooo yummy.

I uploaded this through flickr