I don’t care if the Green Bay Packers are KILLING the Vikings 27-0. You don’t shift away from Brett Favre!!!!! FOX SUX!!! Don’t believe me? Here’s how…
Pretty easy equation!!!!
I don’t care if the Green Bay Packers are KILLING the Vikings 27-0. You don’t shift away from Brett Favre!!!!! FOX SUX!!! Don’t believe me? Here’s how…
Pretty easy equation!!!!
4 replies on “FOX = SUX!!”
yikes. we didn’t have that happen. well, maybe you should live in packer territory. who cares about ca. teams?
I totally agree! I’ve blogged about this as well at whpodcast.com, and so has some other fan at I totally agree! I’ve blogged about this as well at http://whpodcast.com/index.php?post_id=277262, and so has some other fan at http://randomography.com/?p=173, and I am sure we are not alone! I have also sent three emails to Fox sports locations that wanted feedback. I know we can’t change the past, but FOX better think twice about messing up this badly again. I was bored by the Eagles/Skins game, so I switched to CBS, and I let FOX know that’s what I did and watched all of CBS’ commercials instead of FOX’s.
Please tell me you were wearing your cheese hat while watching the game… 🙂
All I can tell you is that certain defeat is headed the Packers’ way when they play Americas’ Team in a few short weeks.
Go Cowboys!