If you are around these dates/places, go see this guy. He’s a local-Milwaukee artist. You won’t be disappointed. Especially if it’s listed as a Redbird show.
Listen to his latest free MP3 online before you go or listen to snippets of songs from his latest album at Amazon.com
5/13 TUCSON, AZ, Green Fire Bookshop, 520.408.0677, greenfirebooks.com
5/14 CAVE CREEK, AZ, Cave Creek Coffee Company, 480.488.0603
5/15 CORONADO, CA, Lamb’s Players Theatre, 619.437.0600, lambsplayers.org
5/16** REDBIRD on XM Satellite Radio – “The Loft Sessions”, xmradio.com (Also airs 5/19 & 5/21)
5/19 ST. PAUL, MN, Ginkgo Coffeehouse, 651.645.2647, ginkgocoffee.com
5/20 DUBUQUE, IA, The Busted Lift, 563.584.9712
5/21 CEDARBURG, WI, Cedarburg Cutural Center
5/25 NEWPORT, KY, Southgate House, 859.431.2201 (Supporting Richard Thompson)
6/3 WEST DUNDEE, IL, Emmett’s Tavern, 847.428.4500
6/4 RHINELANDER, WI, Nicolet College
6/9 STURGEON BAY, WI, Bluefront Cafe, 920.743.9218
6/10 FORT ATKINSON, WI, Cafe Carpe, 920.563.9391, cafecarpe.com
6/11 FORT ATKINSON, WI, Cafe Carpe, 920.563.9391, cafecarpe.com
6/17-20 POMEROY, OH, Fur Peace Ranch Guitar Workshop, furpeaceranch.com
6/25 MADISON, WI, Art in the Barn
7/2-3 NEW BEDFORD, MA, New Bedford Summerfest, newbedfordsummerfest.com
7/9 CHESTERTOWN, MD, Andy’s, 410-778-6779
7/14 WORCESTER, MA, Worcester Artists Group, whereyourmouthis.com
7/15 CAMBRIDGE, MA, Lizard Lounge, 617.547.1228
7/16** GREENFIELD, MA, Green River Festival, greenriverfestival.com
7/22-23** HILLSDALE, NY, Falcon Ridge Folk Festival, falconridgefolk.com
7/26 LARCHMONT, NY, Watercolor Cafe, 914.834.2213
7/29 BRADFORD, VT, Middle Earth Music Hall, 802.222.4748
7/30-31** WOLFEBORO, NH, Great Waters Folk Festival, greatwaters.org
8/1 HIGHLAND HEIGHTS, KY, Studio 89, Live show, broadcasting on 89.7 FM, and online at wnku.org
8/2 SPRINGFIELD, OH, Veteran’s Park Amphitheater, 937.324.2712
8/5 MILWAUKEE, WI, Bremen Cafe, 414.431.1932
8/6 MADISON, WI, Folk At One (Elizabeth Link Peace Park), FREE
8/28** STONY BROOK, NY, Long Island Museum Fiddle & Folk Festival, longislandmuseum.org
9/3-5** JOHNSTOWN, PA, Johnstown Folk Festival, 888.222.1889, johnstownfolkfest.org
9/25** BOSTON, MA, Boston Folk Festival, bostonfolkfestival.com
9/30 NORTHAMPTON, MA, The Iron Horse, 413.586.8686
10/1 BRIDGEPORT, CT, The Acoustic Cafe, 203.335.3655
11/19 POMFRET, CT, The Vanilla Bean, 860.928.1562
** Indicates a Redbird show, with Kris Delmhorst & Jeffrey Foucault