cool me me me mobile photography work

Practice for my skydive

Practice for my skydive

Team-building outing for the Ruckus marketing team. My first step toward my skydive! Woot!

I uploaded this through flickr

me me me photography work

40,000 of us had a little problem with power today

I heard that the power outage in Sunnyvale today was affecting 40,000 people. Here’s a few pictures I took at work while waiting for any information about how long it would take to get power back.

Empty office during power outage
Still working during the power outage
Will work for power
Will work for power
git programming technology work wtf?

How to fix the Windows desktop context menu after installing Samsung MagicRotation

With the new computer setup I have at work, I needed to have one of my monitors rotated 90° so it would fit until a better solution was attempted. The desktop wasn’t rotating though because I hadn’t installed Samsung’s MagicRotation software. So I did.

After doing so, I noticed that the context menu on my desktop was way screwed up. All the text had shifted over to the right and was unreadable.

best camera pics me me me mobile photography work

14 feet to smoke

14 feet to smoke

One of the views I have been "enjoying" outside Terminal 3 at the San
Francisco airport. Six and a half hours down… Three or four more to

I uploaded this through flickr

friends funny me me me video work

Birthday decoration of my cube at work

I came back from a weekend away for my birthday to find my cube looking like this. I have awesome coworkers.


programming technology tips work

How I block people from visiting a website

Inspired by the article Block a Website for Everyone But You over at CSS Tricks, I thought I’d post my way of blocking people from accessing my websites while I work on them.

Chris Coyier over at CSS Tricks uses the following code in his .htaccess file to block visitors.

RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /
RewriteCond %{REMOTE_HOST} !^71\.225\.113\.171
RewriteCond %{REMOTE_HOST} !^71\.185\.239\.212
RewriteCond %{REMOTE_HOST} !^69\.253\.223\.254
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !/comingsoon\.html$
RewriteRule .* /comingsoon.html [R=302,L]

What he’s doing there is checking for specific IP addresses that are allowed to see the website but everyone else is sent to the “comingsoon.html” webpage. This is great for people who have specific IP addresses but if you’re behind a proxy like I am at work then everyone else with you behind that proxy can still see the site.

I find it much easier to redirect everyone but check for a custom cookie that I can set using the Webdeveloper Firefox extension. That way I can check to make sure that the redirect to the maintenance page is actually working. Here’s the relevant code that I use (taken from a RoR tutorial of old)

RewriteCond %{DOCUMENT_ROOT}/maintenance.html -f
RewriteCond %{SCRIPT_FILENAME} !maintenance.html
RewriteCond %{HTTP_COOKIE} !^.*access_cookie=1.*$
RewriteRule ^.*$ /maintenance.html [L]

where the text “access_cookie” (sans quotes) would be whatever cookie name you want to use. I just create a “session cookie” set to a value of “1” (or whatever you want to make it) and check for it’s existence.

That gets around the problem of DHCP granted or spoofed IP addresses. Sure a cookie is easy to add but if you make the name and/or value sufficiently difficult to guess, no one is getting in.

Now just add your cookie.

Note in the image that I have set it to be a “session cookie”. This helps when you forget to delete the cookie. Just close your tab (FF) or browser (IE), reopen it and the cookie will be gone.

Oh yeah. The other thing that my .htaccess code does is, on the first line, check for the existence of the “maintenance.html” file. I don’t want to have to add and remove this code everytime I want to take the site down. It’s much easier to just have this code permanently in my .htaccess file and then upload the file that people will see when the site is down. I then delete it when the site is ready to be reopened. This is all performed using a custom Capistrano command that I run when I’m ready to deploy a new version.

programming tips work

note to self re: git unpacker error

when you get an unpacker error “unpack failed” and git is being RIDICULOUSLY CRYPTIC (as usual) about it’s error, try this.

git repack remote/origin/master

I’m sick of pulling my hair out over this.

note to self programming ruby on rails technology work

log_buddy and Windows

I recently started playing around with the log_buddy gem for Rails and because my development machine is on windows, the “d” method wasn’t playing nice with some paths.  it didn’t like paths that included the drive letter.

this is a sample of a line that would cause log_buddy to barf.  it just so happens to also be the line that causes the error.  🙂

c:/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/log_buddy-0.0.5/lib/log_buddy.rb:98:in `read_line'

the original line looked like this…

file, line_number = frame.split(/:/, 2)

the fix is to replace that line with

file, line_number = frame.reverse.split(/:/, 3)[1..2].map(&:reverse).reverse

yeah.  ugly, and maybe could be written better but it works for me.

now if only I could get log_buddy to output good inspections of objects I toss to it… like “current_user”.  I’m prolly using it wrong right now, but this isn’t helpful…

current_user = '#<User:0x47143d8>'

just saying.  🙂

UPDATE: I monkeypatched log_buddy to fix this functionality. I created a “RAILS_ROOT/lib/log_buddy_extensions.rb” file with the following code.

class LogBuddy


  # Return the calling line
  def self.read_line(frame)
    file, line_number = frame.reverse.split(/:/, 3)[1..2].map(&:reverse).reverse
    line_number = line_number.to_i
    lines = File.readlines(file)
    lines[line_number - 1]


and I figured out that the “current_user” line above shouldn’t be …

d { current_user }

it should be

d { current_user.inspect }

that outputs what I want …

current_user.inspect = '#<User id: 1, login: "matte", email: "matte@localhost", crypted_password: "...", salt: "...", created_at: "2007-08-30 18:23:32", updated_at: "2008-07-08 18:57:45", remember_token: "...", remember_token_expires_at: "2008-07-22 18:57:45", name: "...", password_reset_code: nil, company_id: 2, active: true>'

me me me mobile photography work

My view at ‘work’ today

My view at 'work' today

In redwood city today working on a video for work

I uploaded this through flickr

note to self programming technology tips work

XSendFile note

I coulda had a V8Note to everyone using Apache and the XSendFile module. If you’ve included the module and are getting 0-byte files, like I was today, make sure you have the following lines in your VirtualHost config

XSendFile on
XSendFileAllowAbove on

The website needs to know you want to use the module. Duh. 🙂