family me me me our house pets photography work wtf?

Someone really wants to sit in my lap

Someone really wants to sit in my lap

This is not particularly comfortable.

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cool design photography

Woody and Buzz at Pixar

Woody and Buzz at Pixar

They seem a bit pixelated though. Must have been an early version of Renderman. 🙂

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cool photography



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cool photography

Swim Dory!

Swim Dory!

I SO wanna work at Pixar! They have all these … dioramas(?) around the place. Wireless access points just don’t have quite the same effect. 🙂

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cool photography

Luxo at Pixar

Luxo at Pixar

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funny me me me our house photography wtf?

This lemon has a message for you

This lemon has a message for you

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cool our house photography wtf?

Facehugger Lemon

Facehugger Lemon

And this side of the same Wolverine lemon (see other picture) reminds me of the Alien facehugger. I processed it this way to make it seem more facehuggerish. Love that little whorl in the bottom left.

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cool funny our house photography wtf?

Grumpy old man Wolverine

Grumpy old man Wolverine

Dunno if you see it too but this lemon from our tree makes me think of a fat old Wolverine. Not that he’ll ever be fat or old.

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cathy concerts me me me music photography

Had awesome seats for Lyle Lovett

Had awesome seats for Lyle Lovett

This was a few weeks ago but I’m just getting to these pics. Great concert.

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cathy concerts me me me photography wtf?

One more…

One more...

… time. Seeing Les Miz for the umpteenth time. So excited!!! On Bastille Day too. Best Musical Ever #LesMizSF

Post-show update: Do NOT go see the updated version of Les Miz if you are a fan. You will be sorely disappointed. Songs sung too fast in many places. No spinning stage!!!! REALLY hoping they bring the old one back.

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