design funny photography work wtf?

What, you guys don’t have a nut driver?

What, you guys don't have a nut driver?

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family pets photography

Before her haircut

Before her haircut

Such the scruff monster!

I uploaded this through flickr

family pets photography

Before her haircut

Before her haircut

Such the scruff monster!

I uploaded this through flickr

camera plus cool mobile photography

Positive Paul

Positive Paul

I uploaded this through flickr

design funny photography wtf?

Garage sal… seal?

Garage sal... seal?

I uploaded this through flickr

car me me me photography wtf?

Third verse, same as the first

Third verse, same as the first

It appears that I has a regular, every five years, appointment with the DMV on my birthday.

Five years ago…

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family funny me me me our house photography work

Today’s work environment

Today's work environment

Not that warm but not cold enough to not get some work done outside with my trusty guard dog who is faithfully protecting me from the dangerous neighbors. So fierce.

I uploaded this through flickr

funny our house photography wtf?

One of these things…

One of these things...

… is not like the other. Guess which one.

I uploaded this through flickr

family pets photography

After her bath

After her bath

No more black feet and she also smells nice!

I uploaded this through flickr

family funny pets photography wtf?

She’s baaaa-aack

She's baaaa-aack

And she’s filthy. There is no retouching in this pic. Straight outta my phone. LOOK at those feet! Ugh. 🙂

I uploaded this through flickr