firefox tips

Firefox is out

Get Firefox!The latest version of the WORLD’S BEST WEB BROWSER (IMNSHO of course) is out. 🙂

If you’re already using any of the 1.5 versions of Firefox then you can either wait for it to update in the background, unless you’ve disabled that ability or you could click the “Help” menu and then “Check for Updates”.

DO IT NOW!!! 🙂 heh

funny technology work

Funny ad

Funny adWhile reading my blogs I “happened” upon this entry. “Some” company designed this fake ad that they think is funny. “They” hope you do too.

I don’t know “why” they chose a Green Bay Packer to put in the TV but “someone” might have influenced “whoever” made this ad.

Go read about the fake ad. “Whoever” writes that blog is very clever.

Update 4/26: I’ve heard through the grapevine that they want to run the ad!!!! WTF? heh. Guess they’re gonna have to reshoot that butt since it was “lifted” from a Nike ad from a while back.

firefox funny wtf?


Get Firefox!

me me me technology work

La la la!! New laptop!

Laptop evolution
cool mobile technology


There’s something incredibly exciting when you hear TiVo noises coming out of a laptop. Not the TV. Your internets-connected laptop.

Sorry. Just a happy moment. 🙂

cool mobile technology

Merc – Keyboard on Linotype machine

Interesting layout of the keys and even choice of keys.

cool mobile technology

Merc – Linotype plate

Linotype plate

cool mobile technology

Merc – Old Linotype machine

Old Linotype machine

This is in the lobby of The Merc.

technology wtf?

Who woulda thought that …

… back in 1989 my parents would have so progressive that they would have had an HDTV Comcast DVR. And to think that I would have brought it with me… to college… to the apartments I had after college… to California… and beyond. Thank you Mom and Dad. I wouldn’t have been the time-shifting, ad-ignoring, dual-tuner-HDTV-viewing person I am today without you.

firefox technology tips work wtf?


For those of you still using Internet Explorer… [smack upside the head] WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU THINKING? STOP IT. and if the abundance of capital letters in those last two sentences don’t turn you around, perhaps the article I link to below will be enough.

Browser bugs, a year-around bite | CNET

You should at LEAST evaluate your options. Firefox, Opera, Safari… The Big 3.

People. Just Do It!!! Your karma will be better for it. Make me happy. Really, come on. You don’t want to make me come to your house and put a world of hurt on your little dog Toto too.