funny pets photography

Penny’s head is the same shape as Stewie’s

Penny's head is the same shape as Stewie's

I uploaded this through flickr

car cool me me me technology

Woot! I’m royalty!

Woot! I'm royalty!

You all may now bow to me and kiss my ring.

I uploaded this through flickr

family pets photography

Penny walking in her new harness

Penny walking in her new harness

This is her car harness but I decided to use it tonight at Moveable Feast

I uploaded this through flickr

design photography tips

How I processed the Ferry Building waterfront panorama

How I processed the Ferry Building waterfront panorama

Nothing super tricky. The final output might be on the over dramatic side by a little but it looks great on my phone. Plus it reminds me of how Joe McNally’s shots turn out with the high contrast.

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cathy me me me music photography

Pretty good seats

Pretty good seats

Despite the cold and my attempt at humor with the arrow, we LOVE our seats to see Sting tonight.

I uploaded this through flickr

cathy cool me me me photography sports

Nighttime panorama at AT&T Park

Nighttime panorama at AT&T Park

I uploaded this through flickr

cathy me me me photography sports

Hello AT&T Park

Hello AT&T Park

I uploaded this through flickr

me me me photography work

My new office

My new office

I uploaded this through flickr

me me me photography

Back home after days and days of this

Back home after days and days of this

I uploaded this through flickr

car family pets photography

Bought Penny a carseat today

I think she wants it
This was in the store. I had briefly put her in it and then taken her out but she wanted back in. 🙂
Can we go for a ride with my car seat now?
Can we go for a ride with my car seat now?
This is gonna make car rides so much better
Whenever you’re ready. Stop taking pictures of me! I wanna go!