
Moving day…

Moving day...

For the people vacating the apartment Cath and I are getting. 😀 not long now.

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cathy me me me mobile wtf?

Cranberry bread and poop cheese

Cranberry bread and poop cheese

The cheese wedge on the right smells like poop. The one on the left smells like the Monterey Bay Aquarium. Apparently the poop cheese is really good with the cranberry bread.

So I’m told.. 🙂

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cathy concerts cool friends me me me mobile music video

I’m a cover model

Luce DVD cover

This is a quick scan that Cathy sent me of the recently released Luce DVD. We were at the taping for this dvd with our friends Shawn and Rachel. All of us made it into the DVD. Apparently a lot. Not hard when you’re standing in the front row. Visit the band’s website at

Where’s Waldo?

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cool me me me mobile work

And we’re done…

And we're done...

Except for all the pictures and stuff on the walls, but that’ll take time.

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me me me mobile work

Washing the umbrella

Washing the umbrella

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friends me me me mobile

Lunch at ‘the club’

Lunch at 'the club'

where’s Thurston and ‘Lovey’?

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me me me mobile work

Moved the shelves over

Moved the shelves over

Had this part done yesterday but I actually got some work done so I forgot to post.

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me me me mobile work

Almost there

Almost there

Just about have my cube rearranged

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me me me mobile work

Dismantling my cube begins

Dismantling my cube begins

They installed the cubes with EVERYONE’S back to the entrance. Such awful feng shui. Tsk tsk.

I uploaded this through flickr